
Reduce drought stress

Crops are exposed to short-term or prolonged periods of drought - this can lead to significant yield reductions or even complete crop failure.

ANTISTRESS effect LEAF effect

Strengthen immune system

Herbal extracs ensure a rapid plant immune response and serve as information units for communication between the plant and the environment.

LEAF effect

Promote root growth

with humic acid substances which enable access to essential micronutrients.

SOIL effect ROOT effect

Important leaf nutrients

Organic Micronutrients as leaf nutrients optimise nutrient uptake and promote plant growth.

LEAF effect

Effect Boost immune response

SOIL effect ANTISTRESS effect

Microbial Metabolites / Postbiotics enhance resistance to environmental stressors, promote root hair formation and improve nutrient uptake through metabolic modulation.

experience Drought stress in tomatoes

© Hechenbichler GmbH

Treatment with the biostimulant AMALGEROL ESSENCE has been shown to help significantly reduce or completely prevent damage from drought stress. This is proven by a scientific trial at the Vegenov Institute in France.

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Dear customers, we have created a separate website for the biostimulants product line AMALGEROL. Fertilizers, manure treatment and animal products you can still discover on Hechenbichler.com