• SOIL effect
  • ANTISTRESS effect

Boost immune response

Microbial Metabolites / Postbiotics accelerate vital physiological processes in the plant-soil system and enhance resistance to environmental stressors. Promote root hair formation and improve nutrient uptake through metabolic modulation.

Beneficial soil organisms

AMALGEROL® multiplies beneficial soil organisms, strengthens roots, boosts soil and plant health and helps build humus.

© Hechenbichler GmbH

Optimal plant growth

AMALGEROL® ESSENCE activates the soil life and promotes root growth, protects plants from stress and strengthens the immune system.

© Hechenbichler GmbH
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Dear customers, we have created a separate website for the biostimulants product line AMALGEROL. Fertilizers, manure treatment and animal products you can still discover on Hechenbichler.com