© Hechenbichler GmbH
  • SOIL effect
  • ROOT effect

Promote root growth

Humic acid substances enable access to essential micronutrients through chelation. They also improve the soil structure, increase nutrient availability, and support the absorption of nutrients by the plant roots.

Beneficial soil organisms

AMALGEROL® multiplies beneficial soil organisms, strengthens roots, boosts soil and plant health and helps build humus.

© Hechenbichler GmbH

Gives you a head start in growth!

AMALGEROL® STARTER supplies the seedling with the important nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc and iron in sufficient quantities. 

© Hechenbichler GmbH

Optimal plant growth

AMALGEROL® ESSENCE activates the soil life and promotes root growth, protects plants from stress and strengthens the immune system.

© Hechenbichler GmbH
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Dear customers, we have created a separate website for the biostimulants product line AMALGEROL. Fertilizers, manure treatment and animal products you can still discover on Hechenbichler.com