© Hechenbichler GmbH
  • ANTISTRESS effect

Drought stress in tomatoes

AMALGEROL ESSENCE in the field test: Less stress. No yield loss.

Treatment with the biostimulant AMALGEROL ESSENCE has been shown to help significantly reduce or completely prevent damage from drought stress. This has been proven in a scientific trial conducted at the Vegenov Institute in France. Tomato plants were exposed to different conditions in a greenhouse.


1.      No stress - optimum water supply:
Plants develop normally, as do yields. No stress was detected via the biochemical marker proline and a measurement of stomatal conductivity.


2.      Drought stress - reduction of water supply by 50%:
A significant proline increase as well as a 35% reduction in stomatal conductivity provide evidence of significant water stress. Yield almost halved!


3.      Drought stress - reduction of water quantity by 50% + treatment with AMALGEROL ESSENCE:
The stress measurement results in significantly lower values than in the untreated plants.
Yield losses are hardly noticeable!



Stress level based on the proline content


Hardly any yield loss after treatment with AMALGEROL ESSENCE

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