© Hechenbichler GmbH
  • ROOT effect
  • LEAF effect

Strengthened pepper seedlings

Pepper seedlings produced more roots and grew stronger with AMALGEROL


  • + fast start and strong growth
  • + 28 % more roots (root weight)
  • + 7 % more stem diameter


AMALGEROL was tested in a pepper nursery in south Spain. 2100 plants of 2 varieties were used in the trial, with 14 seedlings per tray. 5 ml of AMALGEROL per tray were diluted in 1,5 – 2,5 l of water. The plants received 3 – 4 applications in a 7 – 10 day interval. Evaluations were performed 30, 40 and 50 days after seeding.


AMALGEROL significantly increased the root weight (+ 28 %), the stem diameter (+ 7 %), the shoot weight (+ 4 %) and the plant height (+ 3 %). By increasing the root growth AMALGEROL gives the plant the opportunity to make better use of the available water and therefore handling drought stress better.


By enhancing the general juvenile development AMALGEROL supports a fast start and lays the foundation of a strong growth of the plant. All treatments were safe to the crop. Phytotoxicity or other injuries were not observed. Treatments did not have any adverse effects on non-target organisms.


Juvenile development

© Hechenbichler GmbH

AMALGEROL supports a fast start and lays the foundation of a strong growth of the plant.

Pepper nursery

© Hechenbichler GmbH

AMALGEROL was tested in a pepper nursery in south Spain. 2100 plants of 2 varieties were used in the trial.



Number of treatments: 2
1. Untreated control
2. AMALGEROL, 5 ml/tray (150 seedlings), ABC
Applications: 3
A. 30 days after seeding, foliar spray
B. 40 days after seeding, foliar spray
C. 50 days after seeding, foliar spray

Trial Information

Trial location:
Trial country:
Climate zone:
EPPO Mediterranean
pepper (Capsicum annuum)
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Dear customers, we have created a separate website for the biostimulants product line AMALGEROL. Fertilizers, manure treatment and animal products you can still discover on Hechenbichler.com