© Hechenbichler GmbH

Spilling the beans

AMALGEROL increased the yield in two soybean varieties in Serbia


  • + 32 % increase of soybean yield with only 1 application (5 l/ha) of AMALGEROL
  • + 28 % more profit even with the costs of AMALGEROL subtracted


This field trial was conducted by the Victoria Group Serbia, a company specialised on the production of soy protein and sunflower oil. Each of the two soybean varieties Kaca and Fortuna were grown on two small fields, where one was left untreated and the other was treated with AMALGEROL.


Variety Kaca received only one foliar application of 5 l/ha AMALGEROL. Variety Fortuna received two applications: 3 l/ha AMALGEROL together with the soil herbicide treatment and later an additional 4 l/ha as a foliar spray treatment.


The Victoria Group Serbia was very satisfied with the results: AMALGEROL increased the soybean yield from 2,4 to 3,2 t/ha (+ 32 %) for variety Kaca (1 application of AMALGEROL) and from 2,8 to 3,3 t/ha (+ 18 %) for variety Fortuna (2 applications of AMALGEROL).




Crop protection:
Mistral 0,5 kg/ha, Focus Ultra 1 l/ha + Dasch 1 l/ha, Corum 1 l/ha + Dash 0,5l/ha + Basagran 2l/ha + Harmony 8 g/ha


Number of treatments: 3
1. Untreated control
2. AMALGEROL, 5 l/ha, foliar application in variety Kaca
3. AMALGEROL, 7 l/ha, (3 l/ha with soil herbicides + 4 l/ha foliar) in variety Fortuna

Trial Information

Trial location:
Trial country:
Climate zone:
EPPO South-East
soybean (Glycine max)
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