© Hechenbichler GmbH
  • LEAF effect

Treat them young

AMALGEROL doubled growth of 6-months-old lemon seedlings


  • + 115 % longer shoots

  • + 98 % more shoots

  • + 293 % more flower buds


Six months old lemon seedlings were grown in pots in an open space. At planting and two weeks later treated seedlings received 25 ml AMALGEROL per seedling with the irrigation water.


AMALGEROL boosted plant growth, i.e. length and number of shoots doubled, flower buds were three times as many and the shoots were of a more vivid green compared to the untreated seedlings.


AMALGEROL boosted plant growth

© Hechenbichler GmbH

Length and number of shoots doubled and the shoots were of a more vivid green compared to the untreated seedlings.



Number of treatments: 2
1. Untreated control
2. AMALGEROL, 25 ml/seedling
Applications: 2
A. at planting, with irrigation water
B. 2 weeks after planting, with irrigation water

Trial Information

Trial location:
Trial country:
Climate zone:
EPPO Mediterranean
lemon (Citrus ×limon)
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