© Hechenbichler GmbH
  • SOIL effect

Accelerate conversion to humus

After harvest, a big amount of root biomass and also other plant residues remain on the field. Soil organisms begin to decompose these plant materials to humus - “the black gold”. Humus improves many soil properties, such as the water storage capacity and nutrient adsorption. However, this functions can only be fulfilled if the plant residues are adequately converted into humus. 


AMALGEROL ESSENCE activates soil life and demonstrably accelerates soil decomposition.



Left: In the untreated soil coarse straw residues are still clearly visible and have a negative effect on the soil structure.

Right: In the AMALGEROL ESSENCE-treated soil hardly any straw is visible, nearly all is decomposed to humus.

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Dear customers, we have created a separate website for the biostimulants product line AMALGEROL. Fertilizers, manure treatment and animal products you can still discover on Hechenbichler.com